13 Skeletons Haunted Mine
948 Route 202-206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Free Event
No upcoming date/times for this event.
Click on a highlighted date, then choose a time. Register and with your donation your search party will receive "express line" passes. Also, with your donation receive a $2 discount off each T-shirt purchase.
The Haunted Mine doesn't charge admission: rather, we accept donations (both online and on-site) to help keep things up and running. If you make a donation online in advance, you can schedule the day & time you'd like to join a "Search Party" to enter the Haunted Mine and avoid a potential wait in line! You are also welcome to just come on out and join a "Search Party" on-site, but it's first come, first-served, and we can't guarantee how long the wait will (or won't) be . . .
No online sign-ups for Halloween Wednesday. We will organize search parties to enter our "Not So Scary Mine". October 31 will be for Trick or Treaters.