USS Edson
1680 Martin, Bay City, MI 48706
No upcoming date/times for this event.
Ticket have SOLD OUT! Thank you for your support and a great 2022 Season!
The Edson Incident is a premier haunted attraction aboard the mighty USS Edson in Bay City, Michigan. Those brave enough to enter will twist and climb their way through 5 levels of the Vietnam era U.S. Navy Destroyer with each turn and stairway leading to more terrifying effects of a military experiment gone horribly wrong. Ultimately finding themselves in the bowels of hell!
Will you survive the Edson Incident?
We are EXCITED for the 2022 season!! We are hoping things are somewhat back to normal, but we are keeping the Covid guidelines posted just in case. Hopefully if we are prepared, we won't need to use them! We will however be keeping the virtual queue lines, as it worked out really well for the last 2 years. No long wait standing in lines, as you can sit in the comfort of your ride. As always we are changing some things around, and keeping the scares fresh and juicy cause we like our meat rare! Recommended for ages 10 & up or at the parents/guardians discretion.
For the best directions to your demise - Type USS Edson into Google Maps - (do not use the address, unless you like dead end cornfields)
The event runs rain or shine. No REFUNDS or Returns.
An event can only be canceled by the venue and/or event organizer. If the venue or event organizer cancels an event, you will be refunded within 4 business days of the event date for your purchase.