Sweet Dreams Scare House

250 Saco Lowell, Easley, SC 29640

No upcoming date/times for this event.

Sweet Dreams Scare House is a terrifying 1/4-mile haunted trial with both General Admission for all ages and Touch tour tickets available for anyone 18+ wanting a hands-on experience.

Sweet Dreams has something for everyone as screams, howls, maniacal laughter, and chainsaws echo through the trees and into the darkness. From crazed cannibals like Frank to a house run by a deviant Doll Face and out into a seemingly endless world of nightmares; you'll never know when you really entered the deathly dream.

As you enter under our arching clown teeth into our compound area you will be able to view performances by Cyanide Suspension on special nights throughout

the season and get in those photo ops before entering the trail.

During your visit at Sweet Dreams Scare House you will also find delicious concessions, a gift shop, and we always offer free parking. 

What is Touch Tour?

Rated-R is our TOUCH TOUR!

We offer Rated-R admission for guests who are 18+ with valid ID. Guests must sign our waiver and agree to all rules.

Rated-R guests receive a glow necklace that works as a safe word. If a guest drops the necklace our actors will treat them the same as our general admission guests.

Rated-R passes allow our characters to give guests the most immersive experience possible. Guests will be touched, grabbed, separated from each other, etc. 

All our actors have been trained and do not aim to cause harm or injury to guests at any time. 

Touch Tour is not recommended for guests who have a knee-jerk reaction to hit, those who are easily offended, or anyone with mobility issues, asthma, high anxiety, heart problems, or those that may be pregnant. 


Refund Policy:

No refunds or returns.

Cancellation Policy:

Tickets are good for any night Sweet Dreams Scare House is open during the 2022 season. In the event a particular night is closed, customers can choose any other night to use their tickets.

SWEET DREAMS SCARE HOUSE - Halloween 2022 poster
Sweet Dreams Scare House
250 Saco Lowell
Easley, SC 29640